The Ironman Tallinn and Ironman Tallinn 70.3 triathlon competitions will be held on 7 and 8 August. The competition centre and finish will be located in Noblessner.
Almost 2600 participants have registered for the Ironman competition. On 7 August, 1400 individual participants and 29 teams from 59 countries will be competing in the full-distance event.
The events will begin on 5 August at 20.00 with the start of Smilerun: Seve Ehitus Special Stage 5-kilometre running race from Noblessner Square.
- Mamma IRONKIDS Tallinn children’s races will be held on 6 August between 18.00 and 19.30.
- On 7 August, the full-distance Ironman Tallinn triathlon will be held. It will start with a 3.8 km swim race in Lake Harku, continue with a 180.2 km cycling distance that will take the competitors out of the capital to the neighbouring localities and through the city to the Seaplane Harbour, and end with a marathon run of approximately 42.2 kilometres. The participants will also run through Noblessner. The winner of Ironman Tallinn is expected to finish at around 14.30.
- On 8 August, Ironman Tallinn 70.3 will be held for participants who have registered for half the distance.
NB! The limitations will apply to car and motorcycle traffic; non-motorised traffic will be limited only to the extent needed to avoid collisions with competitors.
- During the SmileRun race on 5 August between 20.00 and 21.00, there will be some disruptions in car traffic on Kalaranna street between Oda and Kalasadama streets and at the crossing of Kalaranna and Kalasadama streets.
For car traffic in the Noblessner area, we recommend to use rather Tööstuse and Peetri streets during that time. - On 7 and 8 August, Kalaranna street will be closed to motorised traffic between Lennusadama and Tööstuse streets as follows (non-motorised traffic, including pedestrians will get through at all times):
7 August between 10.30 and 18.30
8 August between 11.00 and 17.00
On these days, Noblessner will be accessible for cars arriving from the city centre through Tööstuse and Peetri streets (starting from Kalaranna, the Kopli side will be closed to traffic because of the cycle lane), and parking will be available e.g. behind Põhjala brewery. It will also be possible to get near Patarei prison through Kalasadama and Kalaranna streets and park there.
All traffic schemes are available at https://trismile.ee/liiklus
The competition centre and finish of IRONMAN Tallinn in Noblessner is sponsored by Noblessner real-estate development.